

北公园神学院 is the seminary of the 福音圣约教会 (ECC). 尽管部长们不需要在北园大学获得学位, ECC确实要求女性和男性寻求证书(执照), 调试, or ordination) for ministry to complete a few courses to be oriented to the foundations and 神学 of the denomination. 我们提供多种方式来满足这些入职要求, 包括完成盟约迎新计划, 硕士学位课程, 还有一年的住院选择.


The 约取向 (CO) program is administered by 北公园神学院 on behalf of the ECC. ECC的培养领导者任务优先领域, along with the ECC’s Board of Ordered Ministry is responsible for oversight of the CO program. The CO program was designed to provide a way for people who are called to serve within the ECC, 但无法进入北园神学院, 以满足圣约认证的入学要求. CO满足定向要求 的认证 in the 福音圣约教会 set by the Board of the Ordered Ministry. It is simply one step, often the largest step, in the greater 的认证 process. For additional information about these requirements please visit the ECC’s website on 的认证. To start the 约取向 application process please contact your 区域会议办公室.

课程: CO项目包括历史领域的四门课程, 神学, 道德, 以及ECC的使命和部门,总共是10个学时. These courses are taught by experienced faculty and are designed to explore topics from a distinctly Covenant perspective. 四门必修课程是:

    • 职业卓越(ECCO 5010), 1学时
    • ECC的历史(ECCO 5020), 3学时
    • ECC神学(ECCO 5030), 3个学分
    • 任务 & 教育部(ECCO 5040), 3学时

日程安排: Typically all four CO courses are offered in conjunction with the ECC’s annual 仲冬会议. Each course will also be offered throughout the year on the campus of NPTS, regionally across the U.S.,偶尔也在网上. 有关当前课程安排,请访问 学生资源 page and under the Course Schedules and Syllabi section click on the link for the upcoming semester to view upcoming course offerings (CO courses are typically listed together in a section at the bottom of the schedule page). 我们也在尝试提供在线课程.

成本: For students accepted into the 约取向 program the cost for these courses are billed at 50% of the standard NPTS tuition rate, which as of fall 2024 the standard tuition rate is $620 per credit hour. In addition to the tuition cost there is a $14 per credit hour technology fee. Additional course fees may be added for Vocational Excellence assessment tools required for the class or Midwinter registration fees for courses taking place in conjunction with the ECC’s annual 仲冬会议.

Below is a sample breakdown of cost per class (at 2024 tuition rates):

    • Vocational Excellence (1 credit) – $384 ($310 per credit hour tuition, 外加每学时14美元的技术费, 加上60元的职业评估费)
    • ECC的历史(3学分)- $972($310每学分的学费, 外加每学时14美元的技术费)
    • 神学ECC(3学分)- $972($310每学分的学费, 外加每学时14美元的技术费)
    • 任务 and Ministry of the ECC (3 credits) – $972 ($310 per credit hour tuition, 外加每学时14美元的技术费)


A 学位 from 北公园神学院 may fulfill the entire orientation requirement for various levels of 的认证. Degree-seeking students planning to serve in the 福音圣约教会 must complete the following as part of their 学位 programs:

    • 职业卓越(FLDC 5300)
    • 使命与事工身份(FLDC 7319)
    • 研究该教派的历史和神学, 这可以通过以下两种选择之一来实现:
      • History and Theology of the ECC (HSTY 7300) AND an elective 神学 course
      • (OR) History of the ECC (HSTY 7511) AND Theology of the ECC (THEO 7501)


One academic year of study-in-residence (24-30 semester hours) at 北公园神学院 may also fulfill the 约取向 requirement, as long as the following courses are included during a student’s program as a whole:

    • 职业卓越(FLDC 5300)
    • 传道事工(ECCO 5040或FLDC 7319), either as the connecting weekend course or the traditional 约取向 course
    • 研究该教派的历史和神学, 这可以通过以下两种选择之一来实现:
      • History and Theology of the ECC (HSTY 7300) AND an elective 神学 course
      • (OR) History of the ECC (HSTY 7511) AND Theology of the ECC (THEO 7501)

Students completing 30 or more hours at North Park may transfer credits from another seminary toward a 北公园神学院 学位, or credits received during the year of orientation may be transferred to another seminary.

Those seeking Ordination to Word and Service who already hold a secular master’s 学位 may complete their required 24 hours of theological study at North Park, simultaneously fulfilling their educational and orientation requirements. These students will also need to take the foundational courses for 的认证 (listed below) and also demonstrate 12 semester hours in an area of specialization such as youth, 野营, 或领导/管理.


以便获得投诉投诉委员会的认证, a pastor needs a minimum of four specific graduate level courses in theological studies. 北公园神学院提供12个学分 基础课程证书 用于认证候选人.


一切有关圣职的事, 任命的转移, 和执照是责任 福音圣约教会’s Ministerium and Board of the Ordered Ministry.